Making It Meaningful Newsletter August, 2015 Issue

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words which I am commanding you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”
Deut. 6:5-7

It’s August!

What… Already? Oh my goodness, it seems like the summer has flown by. I do hope you have had a very enjoyable time with your family and, if perhaps there are still more things you want to do, cheer up! There are still some summer days left to enjoy! Yes, school is coming, but it’s not here quite yet. Make the most of these remaining days. Have fun and make those memories!

Sharing My Heart

Last month I shared some things with you regarding the changes that we see taking place in our country. I hope some of my thoughts on this were an encouragement to you.

Since then, there have been even more alarming discoveries. I found it interesting that the two major concerns: the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage and the killing of unborn babies in order to sell their body parts by Planned Parenthood were directly linked to marriage and children. These are two things that God created from the very beginning and both with a specific purpose. It was Divine design that men and women were to marry and produce children. God’s plan has been followed and honored for many, many years. Now, with the vote from unbelieving people, who evidently think they know how things should be better than the God who created them, they have opened the floodgates. Rather than paying attention to the Bible and God’s instructions, these people have paved the way for others to defy God and fall into harms way. This was not God’s plan. He loves his people and he loves children, the very things that our country has chosen to destroy.

This is not new, however. After God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden with everything they could possibly need, they decided that they knew better. Being deceived and led astray by Satan, the father of lies, they fell into sin. And now, here we are again. We are guilty of sin and refusing to do things God’s way. How many times will we repeat this pattern? There truly is nothing new under the sun!

So ladies, please join me being counter-cultural and standing firm as we seek to live as God would have us live. Let us teach and train our children as never before, for they will need to stand firm. Let us love and care for them like never before, for they are God’s gift to us. Let us honor and respect our husbands as never before, so that God will be honored and others will see that there is a better way to live. We need to be the oasis in the dessert that can bring hope to others. Let us treat every person with love and care, and point them to Jesus, the one who loves and offers hope.

Be not afraid, neither be though dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Back to School

Yes, it’s nearing the middle of the month and the anticipation of the up coming school year is drawing near! I remember being excited about this. I looked forward to seeing my friends again, to making new ones, and starting a brand new year!

Of course, there is much to do: materials to get, clothing to purchase, schedules to meet, etc., but try to take some time out to make this a special event.

  • Invite some friends for a “Back to School Party”
  • Go on a special ‘date’ with each of your children separately to see:
    • How are they doing?
    • What are they looking forward to?
    • What are they afraid of?
    • What are their goals for the semester, for the year?
  • Perhaps you and your husband want to take an afternoon or an evening to go out together and set some goals for yourselves.

First day of School

When the first day of school comes, send them off with a prayer, a hug, and an “I LOVE YOU!” That will give them a great start!

At the end of the day, prepare a “Welcome Home” sign and have their favorite snacks waiting. Then sit and listen to all of the events of the day. These are priceless times. Don’t miss them!


I have recently become more aware of the importance of families working together. Often, one child goes here, another there, and mom and dad go their different ways. Why do we do this? A family is created by God and they are to work together as a team. Everyone helps (to the best of their age and ability) and everyone benefits. Do family projects (such as painting the shed or doing landscaping) together. If one child has an idea to build a raft or win a race, have the whole family come together and help him by encouraging him and helping him meet this goal. Perhaps another wants to learn to ride a bike, build a tree-house, read 5 books, cook a meal, learn to sew, or excel in soccer. Whatever it is, everyone gets involved, everyone helps each other, and everyone celebrates together!

This builds security in your children. This says “I’m a part of this family. My help is needed. I will help them and they will help me. I belong.” This also builds a team spirit and teaches us how to do hard things.

One of our daughters wanted to refinish an old desk and she asked her dad for help. He showed her what to do and helped her along, explaining the how to’s and the why’s. The project was difficult and there were times when she thought it would never be done, but of course that day came and the joy and confidence she gained from her accomplishment was priceless. She still has that dresser to this very day!

Work together, play together, memorize scripture together, read the Bible together, do everything you can together, and do hard things. There is a great reward to be had!

Welcome & Thank you Joanna White

As I briefly mentioned last month, Joanna White has graciously agreed to do my proofreading and send this monthly newsletter out to you. I can’t even express what a blessing this is to me! And, as you can see, this Newsletter is on time! Thank you Joanna!

As always, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to zip me an email any time.
Have a wonderful end of summer/welcome school year.
Blessings to you all,

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