Meaningful Moments, Season by Season Excerpt
Here is a small snippet from "Meaningful Moments, Season by Season." Check out even more content by buying the full book here.
I love this month! This is the time to be thankful. And we do have so very much to be thankful for.
My husband often says, “It is always too early to complain, but it is never too late to be thankful”.
Spiritual Lesson
It is very important to God that we are thankful. Have you ever done something special for someone and they didn’t even say ‘thank you’? It would have been nice if they had, wouldn’t it? But sometimes we forget. We don’t ever want to forget to thank God, though. We want to be very careful to thank Him because He is the one who has given us EVERYTHING! He has promised to provide every need and He never goes back on His promises. We can, and should, thank Him for everything!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Make a Blessing Box. Either make or buy some type of decorative box and place it on your dining table. Each day, ask each family member to write something they are thankful for on a slip of paper and put it in the box. On Thanksgiving Day, spend some time taking all of the slips out and sharing them together as a family.
Another thing I highly recommend is getting a copy of William Bradford’s Plymouth Plantation. This is the true account of the pilgrims’ trip from Europe to the new land and their beginnings here in America. They sacrificed much to have the freedom to worship God and it’s a good reminder for us. This is also a good time to be sure your children really understand the true history of our nation’s beginning. I also suggest purchasing and reading Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, by Rush Limbaugh.
Use your Blessing Box to keep reminding everyone to be thankful.
It’s not fall in the Seiter household without Russian Tea!
If you enjoyed reading this excerpt from "Meaningful Moments, Season by Season," you can purchase the book here.